Terra Monsters Wiki
Online Device Chib Chib #039
X O 044 Habitat
Element unknown

Favorite Food
Rarity Location
Common unknown
Chib Chibs are said to be the most curious Terra Monsters. So much so that they are often intrigued up until the very moment they're hit.
Chib Chib evolves into Chibken after Level 13.
Chib Chib
> 045
> 046


Lv. 1 Per Lv. Lv. 100
HP 20 3 337
Melee Attack 18 3 335
Melee Defense 19 3 336
Range Attack 26 3 344
Range Defense 27 3 345
Speed 14 3 331
Agility 28 3 346
The above table shows the monster's stats in the first app series of TM; be sure that these stats may incorrect in other series, including MMORPG version.

Available Moves[]

Lvl Name Element Style PP Power Energy Cost Effect
1 Peck Normal Melee 20 50 Low Flinch(10%)
3 Roar Normal Other 15 0 Medium Melee & Ranged Attack(-10%)
7 Cheapshot Normal Melee 20 55 Medium Flinch(20%)
12 Gust Air Ranged 25 48 Low None
15 Fog Air Other 15 0 Medium Melee & Ranged Attack & Accuracy(-5%)
18 Block Normal Other 100 0 No Energy Melee & Ranged Defense(+30%)
25 Headbutt Normal Melee 15 60 Medium Flinch(20%)


  • Cannot be found from online game.
  • Chibmera and its pre evolutions have drastic rarity change between each other; the first two stages are Commons, whereas their final evolution is a Rare.
  • Chib Chib was designed by Moonshaft.