Terra Monsters Wiki
Online Device Chibmera #041
X O 046 Habitat
Element unknown

Favorite Food
Rarity Location
Rare Evolve Chibken.
After a lifetime of not understanding why it has been attacked Chibmera trusts nothing and will attack at the earliest sign of danger.
Chibmera evolves from Chibken.
Chib Chib
> 045
> 046


Lv. 1 Per Lv. Lv. 100
HP 61 3 383
Melee Attack 65 3 387
Melee Defense 45 3 365
Range Attack 65 3.7 461
Range Defense 61 3 383
Speed 55 4 481
Agility 55 2.7 344
The above table shows the monster's stats in the first app series of TM; be sure that these stats may incorrect in other series, including MMORPG version.

Available Moves[]

Lvl Name Element Style PP Power Energy Cost Effect
10 Fog Air Other 15 0 Medium Melee & Ranged Attack & Accuracy(-5%)
12 Gust Air Ranged 25 48 Low None
25 Headbutt Normal Melee 15 60 Medium Flinch(20%)
36 Kick Normal Melee 20 65 Low Flinch(15%)
41 Airstrike Air Melee 15 60 Medium None
46 Wing Blade Air Melee 15 70 Medium Flinch(30%)
52 Obliterate Normal Melee 10 85 High None
61 Sky Hammer Air Melee 10 75 High Paralyze(30%),Melee Defense(-10%)


  • Chibmera cannot be found from online game.
  • Chibmera and its pre evolutions have drastic rarity change between each other; the first two stages are Commons, whereas their final evolution is a Rare.
  • Chibmera was designed by Moonshaft.