Terra Monsters Wiki
Online Device Dandylion #001
O O Dandylion Habitat
Element Verdane Grasslands

Favorite Food
Rarity Location
Uncommon Starter Monster
The longer Dandylion spends in the sun the bigger the flower on its tail grows.
Dandylion evolves into Purrpetal after Level 15 with 5 Evolution Points.
> Purrpetal
> Vioness


Lv. 1 Per Lv. Lv. 100
HP 30 3 348
Melee Attack 40 3 359
Melee Defense 23 3 341
Range Attack 23 3 341
Range Defense 41 3 360
Speed 36 3 355
Agility 32 3 351
The above table shows the monster's stats in the first app series of TM; be sure that these stats may incorrect in other series, including MMORPG version.

Available Moves[]

Lvl Name Element Style PP Power Energy Cost Effect
1 Pounce Normal Melee 25 50 Low Ranged Attack(+15%)
6 Mud-sling Earth Ranged 20 43 Low Accuracy(-10%), Confusion(5%)
7 Roar Normal Other 15 0 Medium Melee & Ranged Attack(-10%)
9 Uproot Earth Melee 20 40 Low Ranged Defense(-5%), Speed(-10%)
12 Flex Normal Other 100 0 No Energy Melee Attack(+15%)
14 Bite Normal Melee 25 55 Low Flinch(25%)
17 Headbutt Normal Melee 15 60 Medium Flinch(20%)
20 Cheapshot Normal Melee 20 55 Medium Flinch(20%)
24 Draining Venom Earth Ranged 15 50 Medium Sleep(5%), Poison(10%)
29 Entangle Earth Melee 15 50 Medium Melee & Ranged Attack, Melee Defense(-5%), Speed(-20%)
34 Forces of Nature Earth Melee 15 65 Medium Speed(-10%)
38 Kick Normal Melee 20 65 Low Flinch(15%)


  • Dandylion were on Starter Monster in both Online and Mobile version.
