Terra Monsters Wiki
Online Device Oarion #122
O O Oarion Habitat
Element Ice Floats

Favorite Food
Rarity Location
Uncommon unknown
Despite its size and shape, Oarion can swim eight times faster than any submarine.
Oarion does not evolve futher.


Lv. 1 Per Lv. Lv. 100
HP 40 3 359
Melee Attack 35 3 354
Melee Defense 34 3 353
Range Attack 45 3 365
Range Defense 36 3 355
Speed 29 3 347
Agility 41 3 360
The above table shows the monster's stats in the first app series of TM; be sure that these stats may incorrect in other series, including MMORPG version.

Available Moves[]

Lvl Name Element Style PP Power Energy Cost Effect
1 Tackle Normal Melee 25 45 Unknown None
2 Hail Ice Ranged 15 14 Medium Hits 2-3 times
5 Freeze Ice Melee 15 35 Medium Freeze(40%)
8 Ice Blast Ice Ranged 15 50 Medium None
12 Guard Normal Other 100 0 No Energy Melee Defense(+10%)
15 Hurl Normal Ranged 20 60 Low None
19 Cold Snap Ice Melee 15 60 Medium Paralyze(30%)
22 Hawkeye Air Other 10 0 High Ranged Attack(+40%), Accuracy(+25%)
25 Avalanche Ice Ranged 15 65 Medium Sleep(20%)
30 Cloud Barrier Air Melee 15 50 Medium Ranged Defense(+30%), Accuracy(-10%)
33 Slam Normal Melee 17 60 Medium Flinch(20%)
36 Arctic Blast Ice Ranged 15 70 Medium Freeze(15%)


  • Oarion was designed by Moonshaft which were confirmed by himself.